This fast-paced urban horror story follows a couple who's had a spate of awful luck leading up to and following the birth of their first child. Finally, a chance to move into a storied downtown high-rise overlooking the park seems like a chance to turn things around. Little do they know, the building chose them for a special fate. Gruesome and relatable post-pandemic horror for fans of Rosemary's Baby and Mexican Gothic.
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Avid reader with a passion for sci fi, spec fic, horror, and political non-fiction.
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cibertina reviewed Nestlings by Nat Cassidy
cibertina reviewed The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
Mind-bending, thoughtful spec-fic thriller about non-human intelligence
5 stars
Absolutely adored this book. A lonely scientist is tasked with deciphering possible signals from an apparently advanced species of octopuses on an island in the near-ish future. That's the basic plot, but the author digs into linguistics, AI, non-human intelligence, and communication generally in a gentle and well-paced thriller. Super fun read.
cibertina finished reading The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
There are creatures in the water of Con Dao. To the locals, they're monsters. To the corporate owners of the …
cibertina reviewed Every Last Secret by A. R. Torre
cibertina finished reading Every Last Secret by A. R. Torre
cibertina stopped reading
cibertina reviewed Prophet Song by Paul Lynch
An instant classic that doesn't let you go
5 stars
A harrowing portrait of a rapid descent into fascism taking place in a fictional Ireland ruled by a nationalist party. Haven't stopped thinking about it since I put it down, destined to be a classic of the dystopian genre (although it so close to home it barely qualifies as dystopia.)
cibertina set a goal to read 45 books in 2024
cibertina rated Heir of Ra: 3 stars
cibertina rated Dimensions of a Cave: 3 stars
cibertina rated Prophet Song: 5 stars
cibertina rated Doppelganger: 5 stars
Doppelganger by Naomi Klein
What if you woke up one morning and found you’d acquired another self—a double who was almost you and yet …
cibertina reviewed Gnomon by Nick Harkaway
cibertina rated The Lottery and Other Stories: 4 stars
The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson
The Lottery and Other Stories is a 1949 short story collection by American author Shirley Jackson. Published by Farrar, Straus, …