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cornellbox (books)'s books

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Ruthanna Emrys: A Half-Built Garden (EBook, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

On a warm March night in 2083, Judy Wallach-Stevens wakes to a warning of unknown …

The dandelion networks had been created in the wake of massive malware and malinformation epidemics, first as a way to maintain communications while preserving data, then as a way to reshape and reclaim those data as tools for justice and survival. But .. the corporations prized plausible deniability far above truth.

A Half-Built Garden by  (39%)

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Follow up about Orbital by Samantha Harvey.

I still haven't read it, but she was on Science Friday along with astronaut Dr Cady Coleman to talk about the book.

I've requested both dead-tree and ebook versions from the library, and it'll be interesting to see which one is the first one to show up. At the moment, I feel like it would be a good one to read as an ebook, but I'll take whichever version I get.

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Still currently reading at A Half Built Garden. Focus and mind space haven't been great lately.

There is now a copy of Ingrid Robeyns' Limitarianism (The Case Against Extreme Wealth) in the system in Libby. I'm a few weeks out before I get it, but anticipating that one.

And, note to self, I need to get back to Ursula Franklin.

Local library (Ypsilanti) getting close to reopening!

(And lastly, an unfortunate bit of political BS involving a library:

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Heard about 'Orbital' by Samantha Harvey on 99% Invisible. The book won the 2024 Booker Prize, so the library wait list is long. "incorporates elements of science fiction, literary fiction, and philosophical drama, .... It follows six fictional astronauts over 24 hours on an orbiting space station."

And, I've also started listening to Kevin Fong's podcast '16 Sunsets' which is a history of the Space Shuttle program, so that's an appealing coincidence.

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Ursula M. Franklin: The Real World of Technology (Paperback, 1999, Anansi) 5 stars

In this expanded edition of her bestselling 1989 CBC Massey Lectures, renowned scientist and humanitarian …

Quote from 'Count Zero'

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"This quote from Count Zero by the very prescient William Gibson (@GreatDismal) keeps popping into my head...

"And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human."