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Sam Firke Locked account

Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

Dad, data analyst, novelist, nature lover. Living in Ann Arbor, MI.

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2025 Reading Goal

Sam Firke has read 0 of 12 books.

Richard Powers: Playground (2024, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) 4 stars

Four lives are drawn together in a sweeping, panoramic new novel from Richard Powers, showcasing …

Impossible decisions are really the easy decisions ... If two choices are impossible to choose between, it means they have equal merit. Either choice can have your belief. It doesn't matter which you choose. You shed one chooser and grow into another.

Playground by  (Page 279)

This is a lovely realization I hope I remember next time I'm in that situation!

avatar for samfirke Sam Firke boosted
Bill Perkins: Die with Zero (Paperback, 2021, Mariner Books) 4 stars

A common-sense guide to living rich . . . instead of dying rich

Imagine if …

Memento Mori for Money

No rating

This book got me to think about retirement in a new way, both in saving for it and not saving for it.

The book's premise is, as the title says, that you should aim to die with exactly zero dollars in assets. It is an intentionally goading goal, inviting the reader to argue "but what about..." and then addresses the concerns.

My takeaways are:

  1. Experiences are more valuable than things.

I'll accept that axiomatically.

  1. Earlier Experiences Are More Valuable

One of the ideas that Thinking Fast And Slow presents is that our "remembering self" is much more important than our "experiencing self." This book applies that concept to when you experience something. If you take a big trip when you are 30 and you live to 90, you'll spend 60 years enjoying the memories. On the other hand, if you wait until you are 70 and have retired, you'll only …

Cory Doctorow: Radicalized (Hardcover, 2019, Head of Zeus) 4 stars

Here are four urgent stories from author and activist Cory Doctorow, four social, technological and …

Got on my radar when it went viral early this month, as the titular novella "Radicalized" predicted the assassination of health insurance executives. "Model Minority" was a little clunky but had a good premise and good ending. The other three novellas sparkled all around, both in their writing and political dimensions.

finished reading Walkaway by Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow: Walkaway (Blackstone Publishing) 4 stars

Hubert Vernon Rudolph Clayton Irving Wilson Alva Anton Jeff Harley Timothy Curtis Cleveland Cecil Ollie …

Content warning Plot point discussed

Cory Doctorow: Walkaway (Blackstone Publishing) 4 stars

Hubert Vernon Rudolph Clayton Irving Wilson Alva Anton Jeff Harley Timothy Curtis Cleveland Cecil Ollie …

"We are well and truly at vuko jebina now," Tam declared. She'd learned the phrase from Kersplebedeb, who said it was Serbian for deepest boonies, literally, "where wolves fuck." Tam loved this phrase, to no one's surprise.

Walkaway by  (Page 229)

I want more phrases like this in my life.