Lars Chittka: Mind of a Bee (2022, Princeton University Press) 5 stars

Review of 'Mind of a Bee' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

It's great! Most of the book is great stuff that I was expecting: experiments and findings about bees. What I did not expect is the biographical bits about historical bee researchers. These are very short, so absolutely don't distract from the bee content. But they are also amazing! Never a boring figure. Everybody was a freed slave, fighting the nazis, ending up in an insane asylum, or something else equally gripping.

The bee content is focused on the individual bee and does a good job of reining in the "hivemind" myth a bit. My only issue with the bee content is that it assumed more bee knowledge of me than what I have. On the first pages it explains that bee hives are pitch dark and crazy crowded. That bees only live a few weeks and collect only around 1 gram of honey over their lives. That's amazing and I need more basic information like that. Around the middle of the book I learned that bees only leave the hive after they are already a few weeks old! Tell me more!