My first Le Carré ever. Quite an entertaining read, I could barely drop it after I started. Got 4 stars, not 5, because some aspect of the plot are, nowadays, a little bit on the beaten trope side. It's also curious (not sure if curious is the right word) that they market it as a George Smiley novel although the character is quite so very small in the story. But, well, technically he is there. Already got myself Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
Reviews and Comments
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David F. Mendes reviewed Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote (Popular Penguins)
Review of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I would give it six stars, if possible. The experience of listening to Capote's words narrated by Hall was something that caught me unguarded. An overwhelming experience. Because I only listen to audiobooks when I'm on the streets, I even started inventing reasons to go out, a few times under below freezing point temperatures.
David F. Mendes reviewed On Writing by Stephen King
Review of 'On Writing' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
"Li" em audiobook (portanto, ouvi). Tinha tentado ler algumas vezes, sempre esbarrava nos capítulos iniciais, meio bobos. Curiosamente, na versão em audiobook, narrada pelo próprio King, esses capítulos funcionam. São meio autobiográficos, e na voz do cara têm seu sabor. Ultrapassada essa barreira, cheguei na parte sobre escrita propriamente, que achei boa, clara, simples, no bullshit. Mas um pouco breve demais. As três estrelas são por conta disso, e de quase duas horas de material adicional no audiobook que são praticamente propaganda do filho do Stephen King. Se era essa a intenção, o tiro saiu pela culatra. Eu posso ler mais mil livros na vida, e nenhum deles vai ser desse tal Joe filho de Stephen. Mas recomendo o livro pra quem quer escrever, ou mesmo pra quem já escreve.
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