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Joined 2 years, 4 months ago

I teach philosophy, write free software in Ruby and Python in my spare time, and divide my time between the beautiful cities of Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Leipzig, Germany. He/him.

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dawa's books

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reviewed House of Chains by Steven Erikson (Malazan Book Of Fallen, #4)

Steven Erikson: House of Chains (Paperback, 2007, Tor Fantasy) 4 stars

In Northern Genabackis, tribal mountain warriors raid southern flatlands. Years later, Tavore, Adjunct to the …

Individual books from this series are unreviewable

3 stars

When reflecting on individual books their flaws stand out, but it's the incredible scope and scale of the series as a whole that gives it its value. I would rate individual books 2.5-3 stars, but the series as a whole 4 :)