User Profile

Sean Tilley

Joined 3 years, 7 months ago

One part sci-fi geek, one part horror lover, one part philosophy nerd. My tastes are pretty weird, and so is my collection.

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Sean Tilley's books

Currently Reading (View all 24)

Kimberly Gordon: Unlucky Charm (Paperback, 2020, ByDand Publishing) 4 stars

From Misfit Cop to Bad-Ass Bounty Hunter... Officer Katherine Carter never quite fit into the …

A solid introduction

4 stars

This ended up being a pretty brief read, and kind of just serves as a means for the author to get the reader acquainted with the world she's built. For the most part, we're introduced to a reality where certain people in our population are born with superpowers, who kind of operate a secret society to hide from those that wish them harm.

The world-building is pretty great, as we start to learn about the mystery of a world-class illusionist who is on trial for the murder of his brother - the caveat being, of course, that no one can find a body. There's a lot of promise to the internal rules that come with the lore, such as the fact that all of these Supers rely on energy systems to indicate their emotional and physical status, along with details of how their powers work.

By the end of this, …

reviewed Cocky Doodle Doo by Kimberly Gordon (Cocky Doodle Doo, #1)

Kimberly Gordon: Cocky Doodle Doo (ByDand Publishing) 4 stars

Not all chickens are created equal....

Stuffed in a grab bag and transported to a …

Way better than I expected!

4 stars

This is one of those things that, on paper, sounds like it shouldn't work: it's a "memoir" told from the perspective of a rooster recalling his life experiences, told as a coming-of-age story from birth. Overall, it's a pretty silly story that somehow remains grounded in its exposition and exploration of characters. The chickens all have distinct personalities, and the overall narrative kind of revolves around the need to get over yourself and come together in the face of hardship.

My only real complaint is that the story is too short. The ending sets things up neatly for the next book in the series, but I feel like the book actually goes pretty deep into an interesting direction and then stops.

Neil Strauss: The Game (2012, It Books) 3 stars

Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. …

Narcissistic Trash

1 star

I'm honestly not sure what this book wants to be - it attempts to combine a tell-all expose with an instruction manual with random musings on women, sex, and psychology. It also clumsily attempts to shoehorn in a Hollywood love story.

This book focuses on the underground world of pickup artists, or more specifically, online communities and workshops started by them. Some parts of the book are legitimately interesting - for example, the background on how these kinds of communities come to be, and why men are so driven to be a part of them, were actually somewhat insightful. Sadly, these more interesting notes get lost in a self-obsessed narrative about a protagonist trying to hone his craft and be so mindbendingly awesome that the perfect woman will find him.

Though there are moments of self-awareness, the book seems to lose those moments of lucidity quickly in the pursuit of …