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Phillip Beck Locked account

Joined 1 year, 11 months ago

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Phillip Beck's books

Currently Reading (View all 6)


Benjamín Labatut, Adrian Nathan West: When We Cease to Understand the World (Paperback, 2021, New York Review Books) 4 stars

A fast-paced, mind-expanding literary work about scientific discovery, ethics and the unsettled distinction between genius …

An astounding trip through history and the unknown

4 stars

An exceptionally difficult book to rate and review; so much so, I've left it a month before making any comment. I'm not normally much for historical realism in my fiction, but the first story in this often bizarre collection, Prussian Blue, pulled me in hard, and I had to devour it in one satisfying gulp.

Labatut takes historical figures (chiefly from the sciences, with physicists and mathematicians at the forefront), and twists them into often grotesque tales, peppered with fiction and his own invention. The whole book has an addictive and propulsive quality (hence my need to fire through the first story in one sitting), reeling from event to event without hardly catching a breath. Where and with whom one story starts, is in no way guaranteed to end in the same place and with the same person; in a way history itself is the main character here. As Labatut …