Tim Alberta: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism (Hardcover, 2023, Harper) 5 stars

The award-winning journalist and staff writer for The Atlantic follows up his New York Times …

A great book. I am an exvangelical. Alberta has admitted he has not “deconstructed “, though he writes, “Biblical Christianity requires a constant reassessing of one’s beliefs and biases; deconstruction is something that should be done every single day.” Even though I left the church a decade ago, I still hold so much of church culture in myself. So I was able to understand where Alberta was coming from. This book is a great takedown of Trumpism and right-wing evangelicalism, if you can get past the author’s pro-life stance.

I just wish it had a different cover. Alberta’s intended audience is the Church. But there’s no way I could send a copy of this book to my dad, who really needs to read it. He’d throw it away on sight.