
reviewed Daemon by Daniel Suarez (Daemon, Book 1)

Daniel Suarez: Daemon (EBook, 2009, Penguin Group USA, Inc.) 4 stars

Already an underground sensation, a high-tech thriller for the wireless age that explores the unthinkable …

Review of 'Daemon' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'd heard a lot of glowing recommendations about this book, but found myself struggling to get through the lengthy setup. Despite everybody knowing who the killer is (it was the basis for the excitement in the recommendations!) the first half of the book tries too hard to be a police mystery - which is a genre I'm not really interested in.

In addition, the author's over-use of technical jargon, made even more cumbersome by attempts to explain it for non-techie readers, was jarring. I'm a computer professional myself, but this was continually pulling me out of the narrative.

Once we got into the overall premise, however, the author's writing smoothed out and the plot became much more engaging. As with all good stories, this one presents intriguing questions (and some possible answers) - specifically about the current state of our corporate industry and it's influence on government.

I'll definitely be continuing with the sequel, FreedomTM to see where the Daemon takes us.