Peter Watts: Blindsight (Firefall, #1) (2006) 4 stars

It's been two months since a myriad of alien objects clenched about the Earth, screaming …

Hrm, not sure about this book. There's a sort of macho blather to the writing that is putting me off. It's clearly establishing the character of the narrator, but it's also just tiresome to read. Lots of interesting ideas and I am feeling some suspense, but I may just not make it through this one.

I read on to the end of the first section, and I'm getting more into it now. I think part of the issue is that early in the worldbuilding Watts makes heavy use of a very explicit "you won't believe how bad things are going to get" style of foreshadowing which at best feels like too much telling vs showing for my taste, and at worst really contributes to the macho blather atmosphere. Now that things are starting to really happen, I'm finding the tone of the writing much less intrusive.