Vaishnavi Patel: Kaikeyi (2022, Orbit) 4 stars

Review of 'Kaikeyi' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was a compelling read. I found myself drawn to pick it up and keep going. But at the same I wasn’t all that emotionally affected by it - I think because much of the book isn’t very dramatic.

There are a lot of opportunities for conflict that are not taken up or if they are taken up are resolved quickly. I appreciated a lot of that because it made a lot of the characters feel more like the adults they’re supposed to be, and the book avoided some cliches (like cattiness amongst a man’s multiple wives). But Kaikeyi can feel a bit robotic sometimes - there’s not always enough emotion from her.

I really loved the way the story played out with Kaikeyi and Rama. Someone powerful convinced of their own righteous cause is pretty scary. But I like how Rama was not entirely villainized, there are attempts from Rama and Kaikeyi both to keep the relationship working.

The imagery of the ribbons of light was a nice way to communicate so much to Kaikeyi and the reader. I especially like how that worked with Rama and his connections.

I’m curious about the choice to make Kaikeyi ace/aro, assuming there’s not much to go on in the original tale. I’m very picky when it comes to romance, so it was fine with me that there isn’t any here. It’s nice to see that kind of rep in a story.

I would definitely read more from this author. Her pacing and storytelling worked for me, though I’d love more access to the characters.