Kate Folk: Out There (2022, Random House Publishing Group) 4 stars

Review of 'Out There' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I got to about 70% here before stopping. I had a very weird experience where at first I was really enjoying this, but I got increasingly bored. I think it was because there was a level of repetition in the stories in their themes and metaphors. There were a few versions of “something is weird about this house,” for example. Others had an interesting idea at the center, but the story itself was dull.

I really liked the first 3 stories: Out There, The Last Woman on Earth, and Heart Seeks Brain. I also liked The Bone Ward.

Out There was especially strong which is probably why it’s the first one in the collection. It explored a future in which dating apps are suffering from a glut of androids used for identity theft, so the more mediocre the man, the more likely he is to be real.