Arundhati Roy: The God of Small Things (Paperback, 2009, Fourth Estate) 4 stars

The God of Small Things is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It …

Review of 'The God of Small Things' on 'Goodreads'

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Abandoned, at 24%. This is not good for my 2021 reading challenge: I'm already two books behind. If I were younger I might slog through... but now, with fewer moments left in my life, I choose to enjoy those moments more — and I am not enjoying this book. At all. Disjointed the timeline is, confusingly so. The characters (so far) only superficially drawn: no depth nor feeling, except for (the author's) heavyhanded scorn toward the Bitter Spinster and the Drunken Ex-Husband. The prose, awkwardly florid at times. (Lovely at times, too, but not enough of a balance for me).