Ann Marston: Broken Blade (The Rune Blade Trilogy, Book 3) (Paperback, 1997, Eos) 4 stars

Review of 'Broken Blade (The Rune Blade Trilogy, Book 3)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Broken Blade is the Final Book of the Rune Blade Trilogy. Ann Marston returns to her first person story telling, which adds greatly to the book. This time a woman is the lead character. I loved finally reading about her strong female character in the lead role! Brynda is bheancoran to Tiegan, Tyrnan's son and Heir to the Throne of Celi. She is kidnapped by the Maedun, Donaugh's old nemesis Francia. Francia's son, Mikal, can use Brynda's magic, stealing it through blood sorcery. He is the only Maedun capable of stealing Tyadda magic. Brynda escapes from the Maedun with the help of a massive, clanless Tyr called Kenzie. The first half of the story follows their run through Maedun territory to reach safe ground, where Brynda can report her findings to Tiernyn.

The second half tells of the fall of Celi to the Maedun. This part had me in tears through much of the story. We learn of the death of so many loved characters we've met through the trilogy. And we see how a bheancoran goes on through a broken bond, something that should have killed her.

If you've already read the first two books in this trilogy, it is likely you will read the third. In all, I suggest this trilogy to anybody who likes fantasy. If you are interested in taking a step into fantasy, but don't want to be blown away with huge leaps of believability, this is also a very good trilogy for that.