Freya Marske: A Restless Truth (Hardcover, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

The most interesting things in Maud Blyth's life have happened to her brother Robin, but …

Fun Wodehouseish lesbian romp

4 stars

Following up the excellent Edwardian gay romance "hidden world fantasy" thriller "A Marvellous Light", Freya Marske offers a second, excellent read. The key strength of the book is the very well described and relatable -- even lovable -- characters. This book is considerably lighter and sillier than its predecessor, which (let's face it) is what a lot of us need right now. Protagonist is Robin's sister Maud, and Lord Hawthorne returns with a lot more on-page time.

CW: the book has very detailed portrayals of lesbian sex. Be prepared to skip these if that's not your sort of thing.