Hannah Arendt: The origins of totalitarianism (2017, Penguin Books, Limited) 1 star

Arendt's classic work explores totalitarianism through an extended analysis of the Nazi and Soviet regimes. …

This is one of the laziest books I've ever read on the topic, with 600+ pages of irrelevant meandering and no real outline of any true "origins" of totalitarianism. The white supremacist and eurocentric clown takes were a cherry on top, which I eventually came to find unsurprising on learning of her sexscapades with Heidegger of all people.

Overall, this book is a waste of time on learning how imperialism, xenophobia and totalitarianism actually develop and I'm pretty sure there are better books on the subject matter. No longer going to tolerate the lauding of this very substandard book and author. You'll understand the book better probably after learning of her own personal history than that of Europe. Never, ever going to pick up these centrist neoliberal pulp theory books ever again.