David Cullen: Columbine (2009, Twelve) 4 stars

On April 20, 1999, two boys left an indelible stamp on the American psyche. Their …

Review of 'Columbine' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My experience has always been that when you know what actually took place personally, you can see how much the newspapers got wrong. Even eyewitnesses start to believe the media over their own experience. Cullen cuts through the stories that even now are widely believed--because people want to believe them--because it confirms their view of the world--and gives us the painstakingly researched facts.

My only objection is that he buys too much of the official story told by mental health professionals about psychopathy. Since that's treated as "science" it's understandable that he'd accept it as such but I don't believe psychopaths are as different from the rest of us as is claimed. I think it's more of a spectrum. Eric Harris even claims that it took him some effort to be merciless. He wasn't unfeeling--he chose to be and made the effort. We prefer to think he's different than us because we're afraid to find traces of psychopathy in ourselves. We prefer to see him as completely alien.