Jed McKenna: Spiritual Warfare (Paperback, 2007, Wisefool Press) 5 stars

Review of 'Spiritual Warfare' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

“Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see….”
― John Lennon, Strawberry Fields Forever

See, I can do the quote thing too. Here's another:

“They are simply and undisguisedly realizations of wishes.”
― Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams

Freud saw the dream state as responsive to mind. The universe manifesting what you want, but not the inauthentic (merely conscious) wants, or else no one would ever have bad dreams. McKenna refers to everyday life as the "dream state" and sees it similarly. He doesn't require us to agree, he's just saying what he sees. After all, there are no facts, other than "I am."

I'd like to say what I see, or some of it. On second thought, I probably wouldn't like to say it. What's the point?

I mostly enjoyed reading this book. He bothers to describe the indescribable so who can complain if it doesn't always come out consistent or fully understandable? His certainty when saying what can't be said is sometimes scary, but I believe it's really what he sees. After all, he could be lying to us. He doesn't believe lying, or anything else, is wrong. Right and wrong are Maya's domain.