gimley reviewed Don't Think of an Elephant! by George Lakoff
Review of "Don't Think of an Elephant!" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
I liked a lot of what he has to say, and I liked his earlier books ([b:Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind|53336|Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things What Categories Reveal About the Mind|George Lakoff||2416443], [b:Metaphors We Live By|34459|Metaphors We Live By|George Lakoff||34433]) but I don't like him (I've watched him on Internet videos.) I also don't like his materialism (reducing thoughts to brains and neurons) and his inability to see his own limitations (namely that all frames limit and so do the ones he uses, something he might even be willing to acknowledge).
However, I am criticizing him from the standpoint of my own long time interests and investigations (that is, I have chosen different frames than he chooses--actually meta frames in that I am speaking of how he thinks of frames) and that may not be of that much interest to a casual reader (which I am going to assume you would be.)
That said, he addresses topics that are woefully absent from most peoples' conceptions of how they think and where their ideas come from. For that reason alone his books should be read. In addition, he explains much about the current political scene that is still mostly invisible to the public (e.g casual readers like you.)
So ignore my criticism and give it a read!