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Grey Liliy

Joined 2 months ago

Author, reader, and crafter. Alts

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2025 Reading Goal

8% complete! Grey Liliy has read 1 of 12 books.

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Timothy Snyder: On Tyranny (2017, Crown, Tim Duggan Books) 4 stars

In previous books, Holocaust historian Timothy Snyder dissected the events and values that enabled the …

Television purports to challenge political language by conveying images, but the succession from one frame to another can hinder a sense of resolution. Everything happens fast, but nothing actually happens. Each story on televised news is “breaking” until it is displaced by the next one. So we are hit by wave upon wave but never see the ocean.

On Tyranny by 

This is obviously exacerbated even more by the quick ease that you can pull up news videos online. Doom scrolling/watching is way too easy to get caught up in.

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avatar for greyliliy Grey Liliy boosted
Lucas Wilson: Shame-Sex Attraction (2025, Kingsley Publishers, Jessica) 5 stars


5 stars

I first heard of this book when Lucas Wilson was interviewed by James of Fundie Friday's. They mentioned it had a variety of experiences from different backgrounds, and while not all encompassing, it is a large spread of stories.

Every chapter either hits you in the gut or empowers (and often both), as they share their experiences with conversation therapy in all its forms.

It's a difficult read, but an important one. I highly recommend it.

Lucas Wilson: Shame-Sex Attraction (2025, Kingsley Publishers, Jessica) 5 stars

I could only do this with the distance of knowing my novel is a work of art separate from myself. It transcends me. This piece I have written here is different. I processed what happened to me and how I felt, and I have enlightened to nothing but an observation of what is. I’m not sure this can be called art.

Shame-Sex Attraction by  (Page 81)

Quote by Nathan Xie, Chapter 6