Brandon Sanderson: Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England (2023, Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC) 4 stars

A man awakens in a clearing in what appears to be medieval England with no …

Review of "Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

The Year of Sanderson continues with The Frugal Wizard's Handbook but it didn't do it for me. For how short this book is (372 pages) I took quite a while to get through it.

April has been a bit more chaotic than I anticipated and if a new Sanderson book couldn't encourage me to sit and read for hours at a time then no author could.

I found the story entertaining but I wasn't fully engaged. As the backstory of the lead, John, comes to light I didn't feel compelled to keep reading and learn more. I treated this book with a casual attachment, reading here and there when I could, and the book didn't punish me for that. Thankfully this was a fairly straight forward story to read and I could take a few days off between reads without being lost when I returned.

The premise of the story is fun. The origin that this started as a "what if" story Brandon would toy with when sleeping is also appropriate; even when he's trying to fall asleep he creates a story.

It's not Sanderson's best work and that's okay. This was a change of genres and story telling for him and it's great that Sanderson felt comfortable enough to experiment and let us all follow along.