Silvia Moreno-Garcia: The Daughter of Doctor Moreau (2022, Random House Publishing Group) 3 stars

Carlota Moreau: a young woman, growing up in a distant and luxuriant estate, safe from …

Review of 'Daughter of Doctor Moreau' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This is how my 2022 reading ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

The Daughter of Doctor Moreau was added to my reading list after reviewing the Readers Choice awards. The Daughter finished in second place in the Best Science Fiction category to Sea of Tranquility, which I thoroughly enjoyed and earned five stars, so if this was the runner up then I'd like it. Right?

The Daughter of Doctor Moreau was given the challenge of keeping my attention during a Christmas season with visiting and days of vacation. In all of that downtime I found my motivation to pick the book up and read was extremely low.

I had bus rides, rest time on the couch and the book didn't call for me. Is this the fault of the book, or me? I didn't dislike the book when I was reading it but it didn't immediately grab me so as the days wore on I found myself not thinking about the story and finishing this book became a chore.

The Goodreads star ratings are a bit unfair but this book was definitely in the it was okay rating, so here we are, limping to the end of 2022 with a book that failed to inspire me.