Sean Gursky reviewed Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell (Winter's Orbit, #1)
Review of "Winter's Orbit" on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
Going by the Goodreads star ratings "it was okay" is appropriate here. I found myself really intrigued as the relationships are introduced explored, conspiracies are uncovered and seeing how this all ties to impacting politics on a galactic wide scale.
I enjoyed the awkward introduction between Jainan and Kiem. They stumbled through their first hours and days not knowing what to say to each other, how to react and each assumed they were at fault in how the other reacted. This was done with humour but also highlighted how challenging an arranged marriage can be.
Is it a romance novel with sci-fi or sci-fi with a romance subplot? I'd say the latter but my patience for Jainan wore thin as the book crossed the 60% mark and brought down my enthusiasm for the rest.
Although Jainan has reasons to be mistrusting, docile and appear meek, which you learn as the story unfolds, but holy Flying Spaghetti Monster, use your words Jainan.
Jainan had never been good at communicating.
Something could have been avoided because Jainan didn't speak up? Yup.
Timmy fell down a well because Jainan didn't warn the kid about the pit? Sure did.
Damages from an abusive and unhealthy relationship leave long lasting impacts that don't immediately resolve themselves? Yeah, that's probably more accurate.
As a debut novel this was an excellent showing. The pacing of the story was appropriate. The plot didn't get bogged down in too many politics without being dry.
Unfortunately my opinion of the book erode as I approached the end. I'm not sure if things went south for me because I took a little longer to finish the last third or if there were problems with the book but I'd definitely read more from Maxwell.