Brandon Sanderson: The Final Empire (2006, Tor) 4 stars

For a thousand years the ash fell and no flowers bloomed. For a thousand years …

Review of 'The Final Empire' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

2022 Re-read: In anticipation of Era 2 concluding in November 2022 I found it appropriate to re-read from the beginning, and I'm glad I did, because this book is still a knockout.

Don't forget the ash because you see a little silk.

I remembered the key points of the story but the moments between those stunning sequences are what make this book so enjoyable. The setup for the rest of Era 1 and implications with other series in the Cosmere are such a pleasure to experience, and in some ways it feels like I am reading the book again for the first time.

Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.

I stand by my original five star rating, this book is incredible on the first read through and continues to entertain nearly a decade later.

2018 Re-read: Hit a rut in books so thought I would revisit a favorite series that I read nearly five years back...

...and after finishing the book it still deserves a five star rating. Five years later I'm still impressed with the Allomancy and how Sanderson uses it in the story. Great book and glad to see it still holds up after thousands of other Sanderson stories (namely Stormlight Archive).

No, this night was not a waste. Even if he hadn't found the atium, any night that ended with a group of dead nobleman was a successful one, in Kelsier's opinion.

Simply put, this book was amazing. I was immediately drawn in by the well crafted world, the story takes you in baby steps as you receive bits of information on the narrator and the people around them. but you are immediately hooked. As the world unfolds you learn about a complicated, but easy to understand, magic system and the book is off and running. I had a hard time putting this book down and will definitely be reading the remainder of the Mistborn stories.