
War casts a shadow over the land dragons once ruled. Only the courage of a …

Review of "King's Blood" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Even if he were to tell the story, it would be a tale told and not the thing itself. The difference between these two was the division between life and death: a lived moment and one entombed.

On the surface The King's Blood could be seen as a slow and dull affair. The action is infrequent but it's what happens between those pivotal battles that makes this a fantastic read. The character growth can be for good or evil, personal gain or loyalty; and seeing how each character takes their journey is a pleasure.

I enjoy Abraham's writing, the world he has crafted and the touch of magical history that is unsaid.
There are numerous factions vying for power (military, religious and financial) and having a few more story threads cross over with others the alternating POV's made for a nice treat.