
reviewed Golden Son by Pierce Brown (The Red Rising Saga, #2)

Pierce Brown: Golden Son (2015) 4 stars

As a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, …

Review of 'Golden Son' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair.

Superb! The Red Rising trilogy continues to fire on all cylinders and delivers an excellent middle instalment. The story picks up a few years after Red Rising #1 and the scale of what's at stake hasn't decreased at all.

I would not have raised you to be a great man. There is no peace for great men. I would have had you be a decent one.

Familiar characters from Red Rising #1 make an appearance, friendships forged at the Institute are questioned and all the while the story continues to question the caste structure in place. Amongst the fast paced tale there are moral questions raised, challenges of preconceived notions and a sprinkle of heartbreak.

I am a child of hell, and I've spent too long int heir heaven.

Darrow continues to have a wonderful story arc as he struggles with his upbringing and who he has become. He looks for the good in everyone and embodies MLK with his ambition of having "people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

This has been a fun couple of books and no reason to stop now, so I will plunge head first in to Red Rising #3.

I highlighted a few other passages from the book, and to avoid them being lost forever I'll include them below:
- Everyone's honest till they're caught in a lie.
- In a world of killers, it takes more to be kind than to be wicked. But men like you and me, we're just passing time before death reaches down for us.
- Power is resolute. It is the mountain, not the wind.