Sean Gursky reviewed Watership Down by Richard Adams
Review of 'Watership Down' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Rabbits have enough enemies as it is. They ought not to make more among themselves.
I have never read Watership Down before. This seems like such a perfect story to read in High School but somehow I missed out. I am grateful that I read this on my volition because I appreciated the story more than I would have if it was an assignment. This is a classic story and worth of the accolades it has received.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
This story sneaks up on you, it starts with cute bunnies but somewhere in the middle I wasn't reading them as bunnies but characters in a life or death struggle. I became invested in them, their unique personalities and story of survival.
This is disguised as a children's book but it's anything but. Intentional or not, as the story continued I was seeing this as a very heavy and serious allegory that went beyond cute rabbits.
Being a fan of the TV show LOST I was finally able to appreciate a quote Sawyer had in season one about the story: Hell of a book... It's about bunnies. There was nothing unintentional about LOST and the choice of Watership Down was a subtle nod to the past and upcoming struggles that the Oceanic 815 survivors would have on the island.