R. Scott Bakker: The Darkness That Comes Before (2004) 4 stars

The Darkness That Comes Before is the first book in the Prince of Nothing series …

Review of 'The Darkness That Comes Before' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I've learned to trust the man who hates openly, and to fear only those who hate in secret.

I really wanted to enjoy this book. I was excited to get in to a new fantasy series but I found it difficult to get in to the story. The worst parts of my "Malazan Book of the Fallen" series attempt (7 months in 2015 and I made it halfway through book 7) were found here. I don't mind being dropped in to the middle of the story and having the expectation to pick it up as I go, but I need something to keep me reading.

Learning about events that happened elsewhere or discussing a complicated history when characters are going between locations is a turn off. I don't need to be spoonfed the story but it could have had a smaller scope to make the story easier to pick up. I was willing to abandon the book several times but thought I should stick through it in the hope of some improvement, and that came in the form of a few characters.

Achamian wasn't enough to carry the story, but thankfully Cnaiür and Kellhus appeared and made their chapters the more enjoyable of the book. I'll stop the series here, even if the next story books have a higher rating it's probably not enough motivation for me to carry on with something I'm not fully committed too.