Cheryl Strayed: Wild (Hardcover, 2012, Alfred A. Knopf) 4 stars

A powerful, blazingly honest memoir: the story of an eleven-hundred-mile solo hike that broke down …

Review of 'Wild' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"Wild" was a fantastic read. I loved the isolation, monotony and tedium that Cheryl experienced on the trail. Reading how the mind wanders and the expectation that you will be looking at beautiful vistas the entire time but all you you see are your two feet and the next section of trail ahead of you are similar to experiences I have had. Her story on the PCT really got me excited about grabbing a bag and torturing myself on a trip like hers.

Cheryl wasn't a saint in her pre-PCT life but her time on the trail changed her and her outlook on life and I am a little envious of her 'spirit quest'.