bell hooks: Teaching To Transgress (1994, Routledge) 5 stars

"After reading Teaching to Transgress I am once again struck by bell hooks's never-ending, unquiet …

Review of 'Teaching To Transgress' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

I particularly enjoyed the dialogue around "building a teaching community," which prompted me to think critically about my own actions and how they reinforce or transgress against existing power structures. Overall this book did not feel revelationary to me but provided another perspective on power, on teaching, and on critical thinking. My biggest beef would be that I don't feel like I understand what she meant specifically by "liberatory practice" or "education as the practice of freedom." Does she mean that, by encouraging students in their development as whole human beings, you are freeing them from... something? Freeing them to be their best selves? Given how central that is to the book maybe I should have a better understanding after finishing it. Maybe the next time I encounter this idea, this book will have given me a good foundation for "getting it."