J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal (Portuguese language, 2001) 4 stars

Harry Potter #1

When mysterious letters start arriving on his doorstep, Harry Potter has never …

Review of 'Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I read this book when I was about 12 years old, that was 15 years ago and I still remember the joyfulness it got me, the way that it oppened my reading knowledge to fantasy and science-fiction later.
Harry Potter changed my teenage years and it still influences me everyday. It's a book that is a light read, it's written in a flowed way and I really love that. I love most of the characters and I love that we could grow up with this marvelous characters and watch them turn into wonderful young adults.
I really thank J.K. Rowling so much for the ability to create this wonderful world that 15 years gone, still atracts teenagers and adults to this wonderful series,