Delia Owens, Lorenzo F. Díaz: Where The Crawdads Sing (2018, Penguin) 4 stars

For years, rumors of the “Marsh Girl” haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet fishing village. Kya …

Review of 'Where The Crawdads Sing' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I don't know. Haha. The book gets bonus points for some truly lovely moments of nature and the people who appreciate it but halfway through the book, that's no longer the story being told. I wanted a book about a shy, lonely girl who desperately tries to find acceptance and love in a world that has refused to give her either for most of her life, often because of her attachment to the wild place she was abandoned in, which she now fiercely and competently protects. What I ended up with was a murder trial that swallowed the other story, and rushed to a conclusion that simply wasn't very satisfying, and ended up saying far less about prejudice than it seems to think it did.