Ramon Amaro: The Black Technical Object (Sternberg Press) No rating

A contemplation on the abstruse nature of machine learning, mathematics, and the deep incursion of …

"We must consider how race makes use of machine learning for the purpose of its own survival"

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Machine learning seeks out coherence and the calculable. Amaro argues that these technologies transform an affirmative Blackness that exceeds any abstraction into something that fits the matrix of Whiteness. The book theorizes a different encounter between the Blackness and machine learning:

"What if this Black technical object was to interact with the logics of machine learning beyond the desire for recognition and reinforcement of its existing rudimeentary operations? What if we, the Black technical object, were to travel through the algorithmic as that which enacts its own form of reason, to arrive at a self-actualization or what Fanon calls 'effective disalienation'?" (14-15)