Michael Chabon: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (Hardcover, 2005, RB Large Print) 4 stars

The novel begins in 1939 with the arrival of 19-year-old Josef "Joe" Kavalier as a …

From Am Graben to The Empire State Building

5 stars

I am no fan of American comic books. Grown up men wearing swimming trunks over tight pants is ridiculous.

However, this has been a most enjoyable read! Prague, New York, Jews, Americans, Germans, war, comic books, masked heroes, friendship, love, struggle, mystery, American dream, Golem, escapistry...there's just about everything. And it is well mixed with a set of unique characters who are believable. Nice intro into the comic books industry of pre-war and post-war US + interesting language-wise, too.

I hope Sammy is happy in LA.