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Jason Lee

Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

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Jack London: Call of the Wild (2020, Independently Published) 4 stars

As Buck, a mixed breed dog, is taken away from his home, instead of facing …

Review of 'Call of the Wild by Jack London (Children Book) the New Annotated Volume' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Awesome book

Great plot. Always kept moving, and kept me excited the entire time. I absolutely loved buck and his personality. His transformation from house dog to mad-lad was inspiring.

reviewed The Blood Mirror by Brent Weeks (Lightbringer, #4)

Brent Weeks: The Blood Mirror (Hardcover, 2016, Orbit) 4 stars

"The Seven Satrapies have collapsed into four-and those are falling before the White King's armies. …

Review of 'The blood mirror' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I have really enjoyed this series overall, but I was a bit disappointed with this book. It's entirely possible that I just glossed over things, but, for the most part, the first three books were pretty clean of any gratuitous and salacious content. Call me a prude, but it's almost like Weeks read Game of Thrones and said, "I need to get me some of that!" This book didn't just have innuendo, it had pretty graphic depictions of sexual encounters, including really awkward discussions of the participants' inability to make things happen. Had this been the first book, I would have walked away like I did with GoT, but it's not, and I "have" to know how it ends, so I powered through. It was a good book that could have been better had it not been for all consummation troubles (though it would have literally been half the length). …