
reviewed Martyr!: a Novel by Kaveh Akbar

Kaveh Akbar: Martyr!: a Novel (2024, Knopf) 4 stars

Poet Akbar (Calling a Wolf a Wolf) explores the allure of martyrdom in this electrifying …

Juvenile, masturbatory garbage

1 star

This guy crammed every “insightful” or “profound” observation or opinion he had when he was 19 into this semi-autobiographical “anti-hero,” a loathsome pretentious self-obsessed hipster.

Every page revealed new horrors of gobsmacking incompetence.

A character actually says “I remember [that thing] really heebying my jeebies” and doesn’t immediately get strangled.

There are three separate metaphors about “a bowl of milk”:

  • "Something delicate released in my chest, like a gold ring dropping in a bowl of milk."
  • "A few stars floated around like the last Cheerios in a bowl of black milk."
  • "Dark clouds against a bright sky, like blackberries in a bowl of milk."

This book is bad.