Mike Chen: Here and Now and Then (Hardcover, 2019, MIRA) 4 stars

Review of 'Here and Now and Then' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I did not care for this at all, and at about 50% in, I started skimming just to get through it. Perhaps I didn't have a good grasp of what this book was about when I started it - I thought it was going to be much more about time travel than it was - or perhaps I just don't like this premise as much as I think I will going in, but I just found this book way more boring than I thought it should have been.

This book reminded me in some ways of [b:All Our Wrong Todays|27405006|All Our Wrong Todays|Elan Mastai||47452430] in that I also found that book ultimately unsatisfying. In All Our Wrong Todays, the author spends a large amount of time setting up the world that the protagonist wants to get back to, only to decide at the end, that he'd rather stay in his current timeline. Here, Kin doesn't want to be in the world that he's stuck in, but makes the best of it, only to be yanked back into his original timeline. I felt like the premise of this book was supposed to be "Dad tries everything to get back to his kid" but instead, it was more like "Dad realizes email is fine too". It just wasn't the book I thought it was going to be.