jayvall reviewed Dukes Prefer Blonds by Loretta Chase (The Dressmakers, 4)
Review of 'Dukes Prefer Blonds' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Duke Prefer Blondes is kind of like a tagalong to the Dressmakers trilogy, in that our heroine here, is the girl who got jilted in [b:Silk Is for Seduction|9466068|Silk Is for Seduction (The Dressmakers, #1)|Loretta Chase|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1297794157s/9466068.jpg|14351097]. Here we see Clara finally meet up with someone who challenges her in all of the ways that all of her other suitors don't. Raven isn't even a suitor - he pretty clearly doens't want anything to do with her, even as he notices that she's more intelligent and interesting than most of the uppercrust ladies he's dealt with in the past.
This was a fun book and a departure from many genre romances in that Clara and Raven are wed by halfway through the book (and no one was ruined and it's not a marriage of convenience either) and then we get to see them learning to actually live with each other. I don't tend to care for books that feature a crazy villain, but the villain here was pretty harmless and didn't even get that many pages. If I had one complaint, and I'm really stretching here, because on the whole I enjoyed this, I didn't really care for the way Raven kept harping on how senseless women were with their tiny brains. I get that half of this is due to the time period clashing with my modern sensibilities and the other half of this was plot device driven because we needed to know just how smart and quick-to-dismiss Raven was, but I just found it heavy handed. Other than that, I would have happily read another hundred pages (and this already felt long).