
reviewed Forever Your Earl by Eva Leigh (The Wicked Quills of London -- 1)

Eva Leigh: Forever Your Earl (2015) 4 stars

Eleanor Hawke loves a good scandal. And readers of her successful gossip rag live for …

Review of 'Forever Your Earl' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Eva Leigh starts a new series with Forever Your Earl, focusing on Daniel, an earl with a reputation towards rakishness and Eleanor, the proprietor of a scandal sheet that delights in chronicling the earl's exploits. At times humorous and heart-wrenching, Leigh does an admirable job of imparting the impossibility of a love match between an aristocrat and a lowly working-class woman. Of course, love conquers all, but it's refreshing to see these two stumble along the way. There's a secondary plot involving Daniel's search for a friend who's gone underground after the war that I could have done without, but ultimately ended up being an important turning point in Daniel and Eleanor's relationship.

The next book in this series will feature Eleanor's playwright friend Maggie and Daniel's godbrother Cam Marwood. We've already gotten hints that Maggie's been burned in the past so it will be interesting to see how it goes with these two.

This book was provided to me free of charge in exchange for an honest review.