Deeply uneven, but good to think with
3 stars
Long and uneven, and I'm not sure if the overarching academic handbook x multiverse frame works as well as the editors intended, but there are several chapters that stand out, justifying the rest of the edited volume on their merits alone. Besides, it's rare enough to see anyone grappling with the possible contours of the 22nd century that the volume deserves a reparatory reading; one sensitive to its utility, generative potential, and (to my mind, effective) use of the future anterior.
Took a lot from the chapters on post-asteroid global society, Latin American degrowthers, physical twins, and neo-Carthaginian core-periphery relations – and the editors' concluding reflections provide a lot of seeds and insights to take away and build upon.
(Disclaimer: It may help to have a working knowledge of the field of international relations.)