
Review of 'The circle' on 'Goodreads'

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The 3rd book, but first chronologically and recommended as the first book by the author, in the Dan Lenson series, which tells the story of a naval officer from the start of his career. I imagine he is like a Forrest Gump of the modern naval battles. The Circle is set, I think, late in the Vietnam War era, or just after maybe?

But I abandoned this book after about 200 pages. It is a solid, maybe too solid, military fiction book and, to be honest, it is not the kind of book for me these days. My Want To Read list is well over 2,000 books now, and I have 4 books checked out from the library, so it is time to cut bait. But if military fiction, and naval fiction in specific, is your thing, I'll bet this would more than scratch your itch.