Amor Towles: You Have Arrived at Your Destination (2020, Independent Bookstore Day) 3 stars

Review of 'You Have Arrived at Your Destination -- Private Edition' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Another novella in the Audible / Amazon Kindle "Forward" series, this one tells the story of a man who is getting the spiel from an artificial insemination tech lab. And it surely is advanced! His wife has already picked out 3 possible "futures" for their child, all of which actually weigh pretty heavy on our protagonist.

A story that was interestingly written and excellently narrated but, in the end, I have no idea what it means. It's funny - there was a point where it seemed like a perfect spot to end on a cliff hanger and I was saying "Noooo, you can't end there - I don't know what it means!" and then I was happy there was another chapter. Unfortunately, that chapter only made things more confusing! I hope someone can explain it to me some day.

So more of a 3.5 star story, but I will round up because it was well written. I really need to get to Towles' [b:A Gentleman in Moscow|34066798|A Gentleman in Moscow|Amor Towles||45743836]. It's been at or near the top of my "Must Read" (as opposed to the 1500 Want To Read) books for a while now. And this does make me want to read it even more, so that's worth .5 star, right? Still feels bad taking credit for a "book" read for this, but you get some gimmes and you work through some monstrosities, am I right?