Jonathan Arnold reviewed The Gone World by Tom Sweterlitsch
Review of 'The gone world' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Sorry (not sorry) but I just couldn't finish. I literally got to within about 15 pages of the end, and finally just had to give up.
The story isn't too bad, at least for the beginning. Shannon Moss is investigating a strange set of murders and uses time travel to investigate it. Before you laugh, just know that it is about as realistic portrayal of time travel as I have come across. It is a secret government agency(!) that does it, via a base on the moon (!!). But they can only travel in the future, so a minimum number of paradoxes. The the "shards" of time are just one of an infinite number of possible futures. So while you can't know if that will be the "real" future, you can use it to get info from the past. It also leads to what th investigators called the "butterfly in a bell jar" problem - if you keep the investigator in the "shard" of time, it will stick around! So you can capture and imprison them to keep your current future going. Unfortunately, this interesting thing isn't really followed.
But then she starts investigating basically time travel terrorists, who are trying to avoid the Terminus - the end of the world. And something called the Vardogger(!!!) tree comes up and she zips around time and things get very very confusing and, well, I just gave up. I honestly didn't care what happened to the Vardogger tree.
Probably more of a 2.5 star, but because of the fascinating beginning I'll put it up to a 3.