
reviewed The strain by Guillermo del Toro (The strain trilogy -- bk. 1)

Guillermo del Toro: The strain (2009, William Morrow) 3 stars

The visionary creator of the Academy Award-winning Pan's Labyrinth and a Hammett Award-winning author bring …

Review of 'The strain' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Wow, what a scary book this was! I'm normally not much of a horror / vampire fan (most of my recently abandoned books have something to do with vampires), but this book by the amazing director Guillermo Del Toro ("Pan's Labyrinth") and a co-author, really glued me to my seat. It was believable, graphic and down right frightening in places!

After a short flash back, it jumps to now, where a jumbo jet lands at Kennedy Airport and then abruptedly goes dead. No lights, no comm, nothing. Various agencies are called and and the strangeness only just begins.

After a few survivors are found and the rest of the bodies are moved to the morgue, well, you can guess what happens, as these aren't really dead, just vampires. There are scary stories of the survivors as they slowly turn into vampires and while the main protagonists try to find the leader. An old Jew, who escape Treblinka, is along to help out, as these medical people gradually become believers.

The authors do a good job of "explaining" the medical theory behind vampirism, and it gets pretty gruesome. I'm looking forward to the next two books in the trilogy, as it should be quite a ride as they try to clean up vampirism before it takes over the world.