User Profile

Jim Rion

Joined 1 month ago

Translator of Japanese mystery and horror, author of Discovering Yamaguchi Sake.

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2025 Reading Goal

10% complete! Jim Rion has read 6 of 60 books.

reviewed 6 by

梨: 6 (Paperback, Japanese language, 玄光社) 5 stars

――「だってもう、怖くてさ、地獄に落ちるのが」 新進気鋭のホラー作家・梨が描く、地獄絵図。 この本を読み終えても、恐怖は終わらない。



Buddhist Horror?

5 stars

Yes. This is one of the more difficult Japanese horror books I've read, both on a conceptual level and on a linguistic one, but it presents such a new concept of horror rooted in a religion so different from Christianity that it is well worth exploring.