Kevin Kwan: Crazy Rich Asians (Crazy Rich Asians #1) (2013, Doubleday) 3 stars

Crazy Rich Asians is a satirical 2013 romantic comedy novel by Kevin Kwan. Kwan stated …

Review of 'Crazy Rich Asians (Crazy Rich Asians #1)' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Did not finish at about 75%. I don't even know why I kept going that long. It's pretty vile wealth porn--all the wealth obsession and luxury references reminded me of American Psycho, only without the ultraviolence and ambiguous social commentary, so basically just a giant luxury list. Which is truly, fantastically dull. Almost as dull, in fact, as our 2 "main characters" (who I'm pretty sure get less page time than one MC's mom and cousin do), who manage to be even more dull than all of the status-obsessed, disgustingly rich supporting characters who are all awful but at least that makes them one-note characters which is more than can be said for the MCs who could have been replaced by cardboard and literally nothing about this book would change.

Without a plot or characters I can love, hate, or love to hate, all that's left is a description of (tribute to? satire of? I honestly can't tell how I'm supposed to feel about this) ostentatious displays of obscene uber-wealth. I feel like I need a shower.