Jeff rated Hunter’s Garden: 4 stars

Hunter’s Garden by HexDSL, Olivia Maia (Hunter’s Garden, #1)
Mike is a normal everyday guy until one evening he sees something that no one should. A weary stranger comes …
A Seattleite who has been a fan of fantasy novels lately
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Mike is a normal everyday guy until one evening he sees something that no one should. A weary stranger comes …
Mike is a normal everyday guy until one evening he sees something that no one should. A weary stranger comes …
The main character, Musalodi or Salo, is interesting to get to know but I would have liked more details about the rest of his traveling group. However, this book was really drawn out with so much detail for just over about 90% of the book. Then the remainder had so many things happen and felt rushed before ending like some summer blockbuster movie that has a sequel coming next summer. Not enough happened in the first 90% of this book to warrant needing a second when an editor could have chopped it in half to easily fit two books into a reasonable-length single book. With this book being such a slog to get through, I cannot imagine myself taking the time to read the second.
Roman Mars, 99% Invisible: 99% Invisible City (2020, Hodder & Stoughton)
A beautifully designed guidebook to the unnoticed yet essential elements of our cities, from the creators of the wildly popular …
I started reading The Hating Game because the movie recently came out and reviews suggested reading the book first. The movie has a lot to live up to as The Hating Game in book form kept my attention for long stretches and earned lots of smiles and a few laughs along the way.
I think this is my first time reading a "rom-com" novel. I'm probably not hooked on the genre but I did enjoyed reading this book.
Dune is a 1965 science-fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published as two separate serials in Analog magazine. …
Child of two species, but part of neither, a new being must find his way. Human and Oankali have been …
Lilith Iyapo has just lost her husband and son when atomic fire consumes Earth—the last stage of the planet’s final …
In 2025, with the world descending into madness and anarchy, one woman begins a fateful journey toward a better future. …