Robert Whitaker: Anatomy of an epidemic (2010, Crown Publishers) 3 stars

In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a …

Review of 'Anatomy of an epidemic' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Robert Whitaker knows enough science to cite studies in a compelling way, but after a while it becomes clear that he doesn't cite contrary studies or evidence, just cherry-picks what he wants to prove - that antidepressants and similar drugs are causing an increasing in mental illnesses. But then he even spends two pages speaking well of Scientology and their anti-psychiatry crusade. Scientology is a cruel and evil cult that literally tortures people with snake-oil due to their wacky beliefs that a shitty SciFi-author/crook vomited out. Speaking about that in an agreeable tone is absolutely unbelievable and immediate destroys any amount of credibility Whitaker has.