Kathryn Schulz: Being Wrong (2010, Ecco) 4 stars

Review of 'Being Wrong' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I just finished Chapter 1 and already I am finding things wrong!

That sounded more dramatic than I intended because I also am really enjoying this book. It begins with the notion that no one ever believes they are wrong about anything. This presumes that there is no such thing as inner conflict, or, in the current parlance, that we aren't made up of "parts."

The concept of parts has been a staple of psychodrama, gestalt therapy, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Focusing, and likely several other models of the self. It allows one part of us to believe something true while another part doubts it or believes it false. I, your reviewer, am often insecure about many of my beliefs. That is, I am not confident in their rightness. (One belief I have, though, is that confidence isn't necessarily a good thing.) I have encounted others who fit Ms Schultz's …